Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post today I'm going to share you my home learning blog. It say's here Small persuasive speech on why we should not do homework, make sure you film your self doing it. So I am going to show you why we should not do homework because most people hate homework do you? if you do leave it in the comment's down below So I am going to show you my Persuasive speech what I did I hope you well enjoy it. Because most people force other people to do homework like math and other things, do you agree with it if you do leave it in the comment's. So I am going to show you my speech I hope you well enjoy this be sure to write a Positive and a thoughtful comment bye.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hooked on Books week!
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post this week we had a box in our. Class Room and did you guess what was in the box it was a Book there were Paper in the box. And we opened the book it looked like a cool book to read have you had book week before? if you did leave it in the commentś down below The book was called so far we got The List the boy who Flew. Now we have Charlie and the war againtś Grannyś. It lookś like a cool book to read do you think it is a interesting book? Have you read it before if you did leave it in the comments below I am going to show you, the Picture of the front of the both bookś I hope you well enjoy my blog post be sure to write. A positive and a thoughtful comment bye.
These are the books we have now they do look cool from the picture, do you like them? if you do leave it in the comments below
Monday, November 25, 2019
Pet day 2!
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post I am going to blog about Pet day again, I am going to show you some Pictureś of animals at the Pet day. There were other animals there like puppyś dogś Fish Birds and all sorts of animals. Have you had pet day before we were watching a horse show where the horse was walking around it was 19 years old. and there was a Food Stand where there were people paying some, food there were all sorts of foodś like Cookies and other thingś. There were Goatś and Sheep we get to pet it there was a Police tractor have you seen. A Police Tractor before if you did leave it in the commentś down bellow. Be sure to write a positive and a thoughtful commentś bye.

Friday, November 22, 2019
Sand Scripture TIme!
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post, today Iḿ going to blog about my Sand Scripture because it is Pet day today. So I am going to show you my finished Product have you had Pet day before if you did, Leave it in the comments below so I have put sand on my Plate and I went around and I picked up some Leaves and Bark and Rocks and I made a face with it in the sand. So I am going to show you my Picture about it I hope you enjoy my blog post. Be sure to write a positive and a thoughtful comment, have you had pet day before at your school Pet day is like where you have. Petś at your school and you can look at the dog show at school, I hope you enjoy this blog post bye.
This is my Sand Scripture What I made!
This is my Sand Scripture What I made!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Write a Poem!
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post today I'm going to blog about my home Learning. So I am going to pick Write a Poem so I am going to pick that, I am going to use Google Docs it says write a poem and make a piece of art to go with it and blog it. So I am going to use Google Drawings for it to make my art. Be sure to write a positive and a thoughtful comment, I hope you guys will enjoy this have you done home learning be fore if you do be sure to write it down below. Bye.
This is my art work!
This is my Poem I hope you well enjoy this bye!
This is my art work!
This is my Poem I hope you well enjoy this bye!
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Trip to Town Hall!
Friday, November 8, 2019
Spy Fox Time!
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post I am going to blog about, my long write what we did Yesterday it is called Spy fox. We had to watch a video first so we can do like a recount, or a Narrative or a news report about it during the video there were storm troops in the. Video at the end trying to fight spy fox and the Spy girl in the video. It was cool because there was some action in the Video like fighting and at the end, there was a Small red button but when spy fox looked over there was a Massive Red button. At the start of it they had to go to this ship in space, and the fly in there car in the video. So I well show you a video so you can watch it youré self be sure to write a positive and a thoughtful comment bye. (Video Link)
(Long write Startś) Word Count=493
Once upon a time there was a Spy Dog Named, the Spy dogs were awake because they got a call from this weird ship in space they, Got some spy gadget in a odd Box in there house then they opened it. There were A rope gun in there they grabbed it and headed to that place they fly in there Car to the Ship they need help they were. Trying to have some Breakfast before they go on that mission so they had toast and coffee before the big Fight. They were wearing Black Outfitś. And they are trying to Kill all the bad guyś there were little Storm Troopers trying to escape the Bad guyś then the pulled. The Rope gunś out and shot them to the Platform then the Guy was trying to escape in the, Left and they saw a
Big Red Button It was shinny big button I was trying to not Press it but I had no choice. So I Grabbed my rope gun and Launched to that button then the guy was trying to escape in the Left. They were Fighting all the Storm Toopers in space the girl was Slapping them in the face trying, to get rid of them Then ace fell asleep during the Fight he was, Tired then he was interrupted from the Storm Troopers. Then he farted during the fight and then the girl dog said Get a move on Ace and start helping me. So Ace waked up and started fighting.
One Moment later there was More Storm Troopers charging in to the Building. And they were fighting well Trying to fight they were weak but the Spy dogs aren't. So Ace and Amy was fighting them he saw the Red Button he had to press it, To blow up the Main Building then the bad guy was trying to escape in the Left and then all the Storm Toopoers Fly in to the left with him he Shouted NOO, So Ace said I am going to press this red button but he saw the Massive
one there was to He thought. He better get ready with the rope gun because he is gonna need it to escape because. The hole Ship is a Gonna then the Small Storm Troopers the Last one did not make it on to the Left then they were gone. He said 5 4 3 2 1 so he Pressed it and they used the rope gun to Escape then the Other ship Pointed a Laser to the Ship. To Destroy it then they got in the car and they Changed the Number Plate to Spy dog and they. Flyed in to the sky and they were talking for a while and then, Ace pulled her down on the Seat that was the end Of Spy dog. Then they Headed home and had there food that they did not get to have.
(The, End)

(Long write Startś) Word Count=493
Once upon a time there was a Spy Dog Named, the Spy dogs were awake because they got a call from this weird ship in space they, Got some spy gadget in a odd Box in there house then they opened it. There were A rope gun in there they grabbed it and headed to that place they fly in there Car to the Ship they need help they were. Trying to have some Breakfast before they go on that mission so they had toast and coffee before the big Fight. They were wearing Black Outfitś. And they are trying to Kill all the bad guyś there were little Storm Troopers trying to escape the Bad guyś then the pulled. The Rope gunś out and shot them to the Platform then the Guy was trying to escape in the, Left and they saw a
Big Red Button It was shinny big button I was trying to not Press it but I had no choice. So I Grabbed my rope gun and Launched to that button then the guy was trying to escape in the Left. They were Fighting all the Storm Toopers in space the girl was Slapping them in the face trying, to get rid of them Then ace fell asleep during the Fight he was, Tired then he was interrupted from the Storm Troopers. Then he farted during the fight and then the girl dog said Get a move on Ace and start helping me. So Ace waked up and started fighting.
One Moment later there was More Storm Troopers charging in to the Building. And they were fighting well Trying to fight they were weak but the Spy dogs aren't. So Ace and Amy was fighting them he saw the Red Button he had to press it, To blow up the Main Building then the bad guy was trying to escape in the Left and then all the Storm Toopoers Fly in to the left with him he Shouted NOO, So Ace said I am going to press this red button but he saw the Massive
one there was to He thought. He better get ready with the rope gun because he is gonna need it to escape because. The hole Ship is a Gonna then the Small Storm Troopers the Last one did not make it on to the Left then they were gone. He said 5 4 3 2 1 so he Pressed it and they used the rope gun to Escape then the Other ship Pointed a Laser to the Ship. To Destroy it then they got in the car and they Changed the Number Plate to Spy dog and they. Flyed in to the sky and they were talking for a while and then, Ace pulled her down on the Seat that was the end Of Spy dog. Then they Headed home and had there food that they did not get to have.
(The, End)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Finding a New Website!
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post today I am going to do my home learning. About Find a New Website it say's here you can crate/Share your'e learning, make sure to blog about your'e experience so I found this cool Website where you can. Make your own Logo and there is a video on how you can do it the web site is www.LogoMakr.com it is a free website and/ I have uses it a tiny bit but not that much. There are different things you can make on here you can add like Shape's to your'e Logo and other cool. Things you can make on your logo you can change the color of your text. I hope this is a good website to make a logo be sure to write a positive and a thoughtful comment bye.
(Here is what I made for the Logo)
(Here is what I made for the Logo)
(Hornby High School Visit)
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post today I am going to blog about. Me and Brayden went to Hornby High School for a visit there. And we went in a car with Kirsty and we Drove to the High School. And talked about the things we do at the High School. When you are Year 13 you can leave the School Grounds We left school at 11:00 and we talked about. Things There is a Gym and a Library in the Start when you enter the High School we had to Sign in to the, Tablet thing where we
sign ourselves in. We went in other rooms they had R9 It stands for Room 9 They had foodś. Where we cook and Science in the high school it was really cool going to that school. We talked to the Principal and talked about things there is a Cafeteria in the school. Where there is Prices where you buy food like Pizza Hash Browns and other food. It was a good day we got back around about 12:20 We got a timetable what time we go to school this is the end of the blog post. Be sure to write a positive and a thoughtful comment bye.
sign ourselves in. We went in other rooms they had R9 It stands for Room 9 They had foodś. Where we cook and Science in the high school it was really cool going to that school. We talked to the Principal and talked about things there is a Cafeteria in the school. Where there is Prices where you buy food like Pizza Hash Browns and other food. It was a good day we got back around about 12:20 We got a timetable what time we go to school this is the end of the blog post. Be sure to write a positive and a thoughtful comment bye.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Athletics Day!
Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post today I am going to blog about Athletics. So you are wording what is that well it is like you got High Jump Sprintś and Long jump also Shot put and Discus. That is all the things about athletics we were practicing for the Past week and we Had to be in our House Colourś because we were doing a house Relay and a family run where The Pta or Parentś vs Kidś in the race. It was a fun Day I will show you some Pictures. Most people can go into Zones if they get in and they go to another place to vs Otherś around the city. Have you had Athletics before? if you did leave it in the commentś Below. Be sure to write a positive and a thought full comment bye.
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