
Friday, October 29, 2021

Passion Projects | Reflection Section

Hello everyone yesterday we have been doing passion projects and we had to present our slide what we have talked in front of the class the passion project I have decided to choose to do is making. Push go karts and we had to make the push go kart from scratch so the push go kart groups went to the Bunnings to grab what we need so we can start making our push go karts. Once we have grabbed our stuff we begin on making the project once we have finished we had a bit of a race with the push go karts and their was a bit of a crash from one of the groups that went after we did the race we had to make a slide show and present what we did in front of our class. I will be showing you my push go kart what my group has made in the past couple of weeks from making the push go kart I hope you will enjoy it. 


Did you encounter any unintentional learning? I have encounter my learning from making the push go kart.

How will did my team communicate overall? My team communicate pretty good during the making and planning.

How did I help others during this progress? how do I feel I may have hindered. I have helped my group from helping them pulling out nails of the wood and getting things ready.

Picture of go kart: 


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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Something helpful - add more info or ask me a question.
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.