Hello, everyone welcome back to another blog post today I'm going to blog about my home learning. The home learning is going to be about come Dine with me. It says you can invite 3 celebrities for dinner who would you choose? Create three invitations inviting the celebrities and explaining why would you like them to accept. Think about what information needs to go in the invite for my 3 Celebrities I am going to pick.
Hi my name is Jacob and I would like Messi to come to Dine with me on wednesday,8,19 because he is famous and I would like him to come to Dine with me and I want to talk with him like how do you play soccer so good and how do you do you soccer skills. I would ask him what inspires you to join the soccer Club. And I really want to accept it so I can talk to Messi Thanks.
Hi John Cena my name is Jacob I would like you to come to Dine with me on wednesday,8,19 I would like you to accept my invitation Because I would like to ask him how did you go in the Wwe champion and I would like to tell him who inspires you to do it. And I would like him to accept the invite to the Dine with me Thanks.
Hi Bruno mars my name is Jacob I would like you to come to DIne with me on Wednesday,8,19 Because I can tell him how do you make his music and what inspire you to make the music and I want to know how he sings like do you practice a lot with your singing Thanks.
That is my home learning blog I hope you guys enjoyed this be sure to write a positive and a thought full comment well bye.
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